The Black Hole Wars Resume – The Information Paradox is Back!

May the Black Hole Wars Resume!

The Information Paradox is back; stronger than ever! But this time, with teeth!
Information isn’t disappearing, it’s changing histories over time!

Symmetry can change into other symmetrical forms; asymmetry can change into other asymmetrical forms, but symmetry and asymmetry cannot merge into being the same thing without introducing something into the system. In our case, that would be a New physics.

As it stands, super symmetry and string theory are on shaky ground, and the potential for Existics to surpass these great theories, as a working theory of everything, is at hand.

Weight! Just a Moment… Mass as a Composite of Time

A Brief look into the history of the development of the concepts of Space, Time and how they relate to Mass. Starting in 1715 working up into today, we move from conventional into unconventional examining multidimensional time and its possible relationship with mass.

This philosophy video attempts to answer the age old question:

“What is mass?!”

Could mass simply be a composition of time? Is mass composed of temporal coordinates?