Is space-time fragmented, segmented into quantized bits of information, or causal sets?
Or is space-time smooth and continuous, with curves, bends, and warps; just as Einstein had predicted?
Is what we call space-time even part of objective reality or is it just a mathematical construct that appeals to our perceptions?
The answer could be all of the above depending on our frame of reference. When we apply Temporal Mechanics to Physics, it appears that there are underlying aspects to Relativity that subtly show up in Quantum Mechanics as extra dimensions of time.
Obsolete points-of-view regarding the nature of time and relative frames of reference may be at the center of the mismatch between Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity.
Most physics theories tend to have a unique premise in common: one time dimension. In fact, there is a growing consensus that time is just an illusion.
Yet, applying extra dimensions to time can successfully modify modern physics without violating the conservation laws long held to be true. Modern notions of quantum gravity and curved space-time can successfully be replaced with an infinitude of relative frames of reference, progressing and regressing though infinite series of relations, which imply the existence of multidimensional time.
Last July of 2012, the physics community made a big announcement that a new subatomic particle was showing up at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that fit the description of the elusive Higgs Boson. The discovery of this particle would mean a major victory for theoretical physics and our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of nature.
Two days before CERN’s big announcement, Philosopher Gavin Wince posted a video making predictions of what he believed would show up in the data. To the physics communities’ and his surprise, he was right.
Though the particle was concluded to be a discovery of the Higgs Boson, a very small but significant anomaly was showing up in the data. Shortly after the big announcement, Wince posted another video, titled, “The Higgs Paradox”, where he explains this bizarre glitch.
According to Wince, “If it is assumed that there is one type of Higgs particle, it appears as though it is one particle in two detectors at the same time. However, if it is assumed that there are two types of Higgs particles, caught in some sort of entanglement, then the particles appear to be in the same place at the same time; suggesting one type of Higgs particle.”
In other words, The Higgs appears to be both one particle in two places and two particles in one place; simultaneously.
Though a Higgs-like Boson may have been discovered, certain anomalies about this particle do not match the Standard Model Higgs predictions; specifically issue that match Wince’s predictions. So far, the Higgs-like particle does not appear to be coupling with Fermions such as Leptons and quarks. Additionally, in the ATLAS detector data, there is significant excess in the gamma-gamma channel over the ZZ channel. This same discrepancy shows up in the CMS detect data, however, the excess is reversed! This is what Wince is calling the Higgs Paradox, and it just so happens to fit his model of the Higgs Boson.
Using extra dimensions of time, Wince is able to use a new set of equations that seem to be extinguishing anomalies found in physics data ranging from subatomic particle physics, to astronomy and cosmology.
Since July, the physics community has acknowledged the anomalies in the Higgs particle data and some have even quietly acknowledged Wince’s theories.
Right now, physicists are meeting at the Winter Conference in Italy discussing new data regarding the Higgs-like particle. The data from ATLAS still conforms to Wince’s predictions; the CMS data… well, that’s turned out anomalous itself. The zz-channel data from CMS matched Wince’s predictions, however CMS withheld its data concerning the gamma-gamma Channel. Wince has decided to take this opportunity to put his theories on the line and make a precise prediction about the CMS data before it is released later this week.
If Wince’s prediction is right, that data from CMS will show a discrepancy between the zz-channel and the gamma-gamma channel of more than 1 GeV, then the Higgs Paradox will be an issue stuck with Physicist until 2016 when the Large Hadron Collider is back up and running again.
Can we get a better understanding of what gravity is, assuming mass is a composite of time, as suggested? And, in doing so, can we gain some insight into possible deficiencies in the theory of General Relativity?
The bizarre phenomena of the quantum world, “action at a distance”, can account for the mechanism of gravity, when the Inclusion Principle is included within the definition of Quantum Entanglement.
The Information Paradox is back; stronger than ever! But this time, with teeth!
Information isn’t disappearing, it’s changing histories over time!
Symmetry can change into other symmetrical forms; asymmetry can change into other asymmetrical forms, but symmetry and asymmetry cannot merge into being the same thing without introducing something into the system. In our case, that would be a New physics.
As it stands, super symmetry and string theory are on shaky ground, and the potential for Existics to surpass these great theories, as a working theory of everything, is at hand.
A Brief look into the history of the development of the concepts of Space, Time and how they relate to Mass. Starting in 1715 working up into today, we move from conventional into unconventional examining multidimensional time and its possible relationship with mass.
This philosophy video attempts to answer the age old question:
“What is mass?!”
Could mass simply be a composition of time? Is mass composed of temporal coordinates?
“There are extra dimensions of time unknown to Physics, and beyond that, dimensions of consciousness unknown to Philosophy. We are now unlocking the doors of preconceived notions, moving into a realm of controversy and cover-up, coincidences and cop-outs; it lies between sciences’ greatest fears and the pits of unconventional ideas. We’ve just crossed over into . . . the Temporal Zone.”
Our story begins in a small village town resting along the boarder of Switzerland and France where a community of the World’s best Scientist conduct high energy experiments with the European Council for Nuclear Research, better known to the general public as CERN.
THE CONTROVERSY- Recently, experiments with the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC located at CERN, turned up results showing neutrinos apparently traveling faster than light. If results prove true, this could mean the end of physics as we know it, and end to Einstein’s famous E=mc^2.
THE COINCIDENCE- Meanwhile, Gavin Wince, a mild mannered philosopher with family located near Deerfield Ohio, on the other side of the planet, predicted such an event would occur nearly ten years prior. Upon hearing the results from CERN, Mr. Wince notified Scientists at CERN and set out to do a press release, where upon he was astonished to find out he was a moment behind.
THE COVER-UP- CERN announced that its controversial experimental data was the result of loose giggly wires.
THE COP OUT- Out of fear of not having any explanation that can save Special Relativity, CERN conspired to cop out with the giggly wires excuse until further notice.
…But as fate would have it, another scientific Anomaly arose; this time on the other side of the universe where CERN’s giggly wires could not have had effect. New telescopic images of colliding galaxies reveal that the so-called dark matter was left behind after the collision. Impossible! (based on all understanding). Unbeknownst to CERN, the very same equations Gavin Wince used to account for the apparent superluminal neutrinos, observed by CERN, also accounts for this Dark Matter anomaly. Pitted against a deadline and an open challenge to a leading physicist, Gavin Wince races to beat the clock as he has now found himself in… The Temporal Zone.