The Evolution of Time (Director’s Cut)

We are all time travelers… drifting through time at a steady pace, one moment at a time. In what direction are we moving through time? Or does time move through us? How many dimensions of time are there? Though slightly allegorical, three-dimensional time offers physics new parameters, accounting for conventional and exotic physical phenomena, while maintaining the conservation of energy and symmetry groups found in physical law.

I began playing with the idea that all of physics could be reduced to just interactions between spatial and temporal coordinates. I wondered if inertia and momentum might be composed strictly of temporal components. This would require extra time dimensions. Could inertia or momentum be used as indicators of multi-dimensional time? What about charge, spin, and other properties of matter? Answers to some of these questions appeared to reside in neutrino research, specifically neutrino flavor oscillation.

The universality between Thermodynamics and Temporal Mechanics can reduce the fundamental forces of nature into a single expression, a new equivalence principle, which can be used as the generator for the evolution of time.

Once Quantum Mechanics is seen through the lens of three-dimensional time, the EPR paradox looses its mystique. The speed of light may be restricted to a set speed limit within each individual frame of reference, however, frames of reference can undergo periods-of-time at varying rates of the passage-of-time.

If the positive side of absolute zero is a state of condensed matter, what is on the negative side of absolute zero? Uncondensed matter?

The anti-matter aspect of the Dirac equations may have been misinterpreted. The convention is to assume that “matter” is composed of “particles” distinctly different from “antimatter” composed of “antiparticles”. The assumption of one time dimension locks in this interpretation of the Dirac Equations. However, the uniform production of particles and antiparticles both in the laboratory and naturally, leads to the question: where is all of the antimatter that theoretically should have been produced with all the visible matter we see as our universe? Yet, if we apply our three-dimensional time loop to the Dirac Equation there is an alternative interpretation for this so-called “missing antimatter”.

The Higgs particle data from both ATLAS and CMS appear to exhibit unintentional effects of quantum entanglement. Comparing the neutral Kaon mixing CP-violation and the neutral B-meson oscillation T-violation with the Higgs particle decay modes appear to demonstrate a new kind of symmetry breaking: M-Violation (mass).

With out a begin or an end, from the smallest to the largest, the universe emerges through upwelling from the infinitesimal depths of quantum fluctuations and cataclysmic eruptions amalgamating through a variety of entropic cycles of temporal loops.

The Dark Side of Time

Is space-time fragmented, segmented into quantized bits of information, or causal sets?

Or is space-time smooth and continuous, with curves, bends, and warps; just as Einstein had predicted?

Is what we call space-time even part of objective reality or is it just a mathematical construct that appeals to our perceptions?

The answer could be all of the above depending on our frame of reference. When we apply Temporal Mechanics to Physics, it appears that there are underlying aspects to Relativity that subtly show up in Quantum Mechanics as extra dimensions of time.

Obsolete points-of-view regarding the nature of time and relative frames of reference may be at the center of the mismatch between Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity.

Most physics theories tend to have a unique premise in common: one time dimension. In fact, there is a growing consensus that time is just an illusion.

Yet, applying extra dimensions to time can successfully modify modern physics without violating the conservation laws long held to be true. Modern notions of quantum gravity and curved space-time can successfully be replaced with an infinitude of relative frames of reference, progressing and regressing though infinite series of relations, which imply the existence of multidimensional time.

Gravitation – Collapsing Reference Frames

Can we get a better understanding of what gravity is, assuming mass is a composite of time, as suggested? And, in doing so, can we gain some insight into possible deficiencies in the theory of General Relativity?

The bizarre phenomena of the quantum world, “action at a distance”, can account for the mechanism of gravity, when the Inclusion Principle is included within the definition of Quantum Entanglement.

Acceleration – Temporal Iteration – An Introduction to Temporal Mechanics

Acceleration – Temporal Iteration – An Introduction to Temporal Mechanics

Temporal dynamics can be applied to the concepts of mass, acceleration, and force redefining these concepts in terms of temporal composition. From these new insights into basic physics can gravity be better understood?

Assuming mass, classically, to be a negative volume of time, or a negative temporal scalar (3D-time), can peculiar phenomena related to the measurement time, such as acceleration and deceleration, be accounted for using these new definitions?

The Black Hole Wars Resume – The Information Paradox is Back!

May the Black Hole Wars Resume!

The Information Paradox is back; stronger than ever! But this time, with teeth!
Information isn’t disappearing, it’s changing histories over time!

Symmetry can change into other symmetrical forms; asymmetry can change into other asymmetrical forms, but symmetry and asymmetry cannot merge into being the same thing without introducing something into the system. In our case, that would be a New physics.

As it stands, super symmetry and string theory are on shaky ground, and the potential for Existics to surpass these great theories, as a working theory of everything, is at hand.

Weight! Just a Moment… Mass as a Composite of Time

A Brief look into the history of the development of the concepts of Space, Time and how they relate to Mass. Starting in 1715 working up into today, we move from conventional into unconventional examining multidimensional time and its possible relationship with mass.

This philosophy video attempts to answer the age old question:

“What is mass?!”

Could mass simply be a composition of time? Is mass composed of temporal coordinates?

It’s About Time! The Case for Temporal Dynamics

Gavin Wince explores conventional concepts concerning the meaning of time held by some of the world’s top physicists.

Does it make sense to restrict something as elusive as time to having only one dimension?

Is there room in conventional thinking for extra dimensions of time?