The Dark Side of Time

Is space-time fragmented, segmented into quantized bits of information, or causal sets?

Or is space-time smooth and continuous, with curves, bends, and warps; just as Einstein had predicted?

Is what we call space-time even part of objective reality or is it just a mathematical construct that appeals to our perceptions?

The answer could be all of the above depending on our frame of reference. When we apply Temporal Mechanics to Physics, it appears that there are underlying aspects to Relativity that subtly show up in Quantum Mechanics as extra dimensions of time.

Obsolete points-of-view regarding the nature of time and relative frames of reference may be at the center of the mismatch between Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity.

Most physics theories tend to have a unique premise in common: one time dimension. In fact, there is a growing consensus that time is just an illusion.

Yet, applying extra dimensions to time can successfully modify modern physics without violating the conservation laws long held to be true. Modern notions of quantum gravity and curved space-time can successfully be replaced with an infinitude of relative frames of reference, progressing and regressing though infinite series of relations, which imply the existence of multidimensional time.

The Higgs Paradox

It appears that a new level of strange quantum behavior is at hand. Entangled data between CMS and ATLAS, the two detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), suggest a paradox: are we dealing with one Higgs-like particle or two?! The July 4th 2012 data released by CERN concerning the newly discovered particle as a candidate for the theoretical Higgs Boson reveals a bizarre anomaly in the data. It just so happens that this exact anomaly confirms another prediction made by Wince concerning his application of Existics equations to physics.